[plogging 4] Getting into the habit of plogging (Gajwa Mountain 2020.04.26)

What is the exercise to improve my health and the Earth at the same time? Plogging!!! I went hiking in the morning again to keep the feeling of the confidence and happiness from last week plogging.

Today, I went to the different hiking course in Gajwa Mountain. Searching wanted directions was difficult, but finding the trash was super easy… because countless trash was scattered out all over the places!!! Sadly, I could enjoy breaking down the stubborn properties of faded plastics which reject to be decomposed at every corner.

As I mentioned last week, cigarette butts were the most trash on the hiking trail. It clearly means people smoked during the hiking. I’m really worried the possible risks such as pollution as well as forest fire. Although Korea government already enforces ‘The Natural Park Act’ which prohibits smoking in undesignated areas, it seems to need a concrete law about smoking in Mountain and educations.

After going hiking for approximately an hour, I perfectly completed the recycle of the trash I gathered! I’m going to take a break for the rest of the weekend!! And I can’t wait to see where I’m going the next place!

[plogging 3] 플로깅 습관화 하기 (2020.04.26_진주 가좌산, 석류공원)

내 건강과 지구 건강을 동시에 챙기는 것은 뭐다? 플로깅!!! 저번주 플로깅으로 얻은 자신감과 행복감을 이어가기 위해 이번주도 주말 아침 부지런히 등산을 갔다 왔어요!

오늘은 저번 주에 갔다 왔던 가좌산이지만 다른 코스를 등산했어요.🏃 원하는 길을 찾는 건어려웠지만 쓰레기 찾는건 어렵지 않았어요. 슬프지만, 등산로 구석구석에 분해되기를 완강히 거부하는 색 바랜 플라스틱의 고집을 꺾어버리는 재미를 느꼈어요~🙃😜

저번주에도 말씀드렸지만, 등산로에서 가장 많은 쓰레기는 담배꽁초였어요.😬 담배꽁초는 산에서 흡연하기에 버려질텐데… 😭😭😭 산불 위험이 걱정되더라구요. 자연공원법으로 금지하고 있지만, 담배꽁초 쓰레기와 산불예방에 대한 더 확실한 방법이 필요해 보여요.

오늘도 약 1시간 가량 클린 산행을 하며 주은 쓰레기를 분리수거까지 완벽히 해냈습니다!! 남은 주말을 뿌듯한 마음으로 쉴 수 있겠어요!!👏 다음은 어디로 가볼지 너무 기대가 됩니다!